
Showing posts from March, 2013

Risk v. Reward: A Fresh Perspective on Gun Control

We need to talk. You're uncomfortable; curious, but uncomfortable. I can see that. You look like you're maybe already adopting a defensive position at your keyboard. You know what this is about, don't you?  I'd like you to relax. Here's what I AM going to do: I'm going to talk about gun control in a pragmatic, sensible, objective-as-possible manner. Here's what I'm NOT going to do: take your guns. I'm going to repeat that: I, Josh, will not take your guns. I am a writer, not a sorcerer. You can read this particular entry about gun control, and when you are finished, you will still have whatever guns you had when you began. Barring some sort of obscure coincidence beyond my control, I can guarantee this. I swear it to you . Can you lower your weapons for a second and maybe open your mind? Wisdom and enlightenment are choices, and an open mind is a mandatory prerequisite. So relax and read and think for yourself. If you are still defensive, pleas...